This is a conventional group class through one of the foundational Vinyasa Krama sequences, see below
If you would like to know if this class is suitable for you, please send me an email.
Moon Sequence
Moon - Chandra Krama - is a gentle flowing sequence that combines vinyasa with yin yoga. Chandra Krama helps practitioners to balance all aspects of yoga by applying some key universal principles: here and now awareness, letting go, meditation, and a therapeutic and individual approach. Chandra Krama is sattvic; balanced between active and passive. Do all postures at maximum 70% capacity. The Moon Sequence is one of the first sequences you will learn, but should not be your only practice. This practice is intended as a support – your other practice is normally more dynamic for example Sunshine Sequence.
Sunshine Sequence
Sunshine Sequence - Atapa Krama - is modeled off the Primary Series from Ashtanga Yoga. It is better balanced, adapted to individual needs, more variety in standing postures, focusses on all four quadrants of the hips, uses props as needed, and includes variations to open the shoulders and thoracic spine prior to back bends.
In this class you will learn Sunshine Sequence step by step. We will focus on developing a strong foundation, including structural alignment, functional anatomy, modifications, use of props, breathing, etc. I will assist you individually to develop skills to progress in an effective and intelligent way. Attending these classes regularly will provide you with the building blocks for a well-rounded yoga practice. It is suitable for students with at least some yoga experience who are eager to learn proper technique. Students with an Ashtanga practice are also very welcome.
Lion Cub Sequence
Lion Cub - Marjara Krama - is the most therapeutic Vinyasa Krama sequence. This sequence stabilizes the hips and shoulders, strengthens the side body, and allows for great variation with asymmetrical alignment. Doing repetitions on your difficult, hard, or restricted areas will correct your imbalances. This sequence uses props as a foundation.
Shoulder Moon Sequence
Shoulder Moon - Skandha Krama - is more active than the standard Moon Sequence. Targets the upper and lower body equally, though you will usually notice the shoulders more. Focusing on shoulder flexion and shoulder extension equally, Chandra Namasakara C, and deeper backbend at the end. Good for students with tight shoulders and upper back!
Yoga classes
Practising in this way gives you the space to focus on your self.