Students who are learning a Vinyasa Krama sequence from me or have an established Ashtanga yoga practice are welcome to join me in the morning for self practice. You practise your sequence at your own pace while surrounded by the energy of fellow practitioners in the room. Self practice is meant to practise what you've learned and to explore your body, breath, and mind in order to experience the full benefits of yoga.
Self practice is on weekday mornings between 7:00 and 9:00, in-person and online. In this time slot, you can start at any time and practise for any duration. You don’t have to start at 7:00 sharp and you don’t have to practise for two hours. Obviously, the more you practise, the better it works. But let’s be realistic, other work/family obligations make an almost-daily commitment difficult for most of us. Just come to practise as often as you are able. I recommend at least two times per week. It is a wonderful way to start your day!
Self practice is for free. The only requirement is that you attend any of my other classes on a regular basis or schedule private appointments with me to learn a sequence and incorporate what you have learned in self practice.
If you are interested in joining, please send me an email.
up to 120 min.
12 students max.
How to start?
Vinyasa Krama self practice is suitable for all levels, from beginners to experienced practitioners. There are several ways of starting:
1. Attend my led classes, memorise a sequence and start practising it in self practice classes. Cheat sheets are provided.
2. Come to a newcomer’s intensive to learn a foundational Vinyasa Krama sequence.
3. Schedule private classes with me for a personalised practice.
4. If you have an established Ashtanga yoga practice you are also welcome to join. Over time, I will introduce you to a Vinyasa Krama sequence.